A 30-Day devotional and workbook that helps father's navigate the emotions during divorce and custody-battles.
An AWOL templar knight finds himself wrapped up in the violence of a ruthless Daimyo in feudal Japan.
Atreydean Justice, the first pulse pounding issue based on faith, family and Justice. A deputy with everyday problems is bestowed an ancient and amazing power from a sacred cosmic order that is older than time. He now has to deal with the reality of being a Deputy and Superhero and to how best to protect his family.
Unleash the Extraordinary with TILT! Experience the gripping tale of Patrick, a young man robbed of a normal life and transformed into a mercenary by the secretive Council of Elders. In this gritty, fourth-wall-breaking adventure, escape becomes just the beginning.
From the world of One Last Job comes the tale of Beth's attempt to tear down a ruthless science experiment that threatens the world at large. Enter into the madness of espionage and action with The Caged Bird.
What does it mean to really worship God in spirit and in truth? Worship services in contemporary Christianity have long been a source of division and confusion withinin the church.
Experience the evolution of the character known as Exquisite as we visit his past to uncover what made him who he is. Exquisite is part of the Tilt story, and this flash-fiction can be found in the digital or physical editions of Tilt Volume One.
A 30-Day devotional and workbook that helps father's navigate the emotions during divorce and custody-battles.
An AWOL templar knight finds himself wrapped up in the violence of a ruthless Daimyo in feudal Japan.
A deputy with everyday problems is bestowed an ancient power from a sacred cosmic order that is older than time.
Experience the gripping tale of Patrick, a young man robbed of a normal life and transformed into a mercenary.
From the world of One Last Job comes the tale of Beth's attempt to tear down a ruthless science experiment.
Worship services in contemporary Christianity have long been a source of division and confusion.
Experience the evolution of the character known as Exquisite as we visit his past to uncover what made him who he is.